
Mac vim config
Mac vim config

Visual mode happens when you use a v, V, and Ctrl-v commands from Normal mode. Every other key pressed is directly inserted into the file at the current cursor location. Once in Insert mode, the editor will stay in that mode until you press an Esc key. Vim is in Insert mode with the use of the a, A, i, I, o, and O commands. When you exit any of the other modes, Vim goes back to the Normal mode. You can use all the command keys to navigate around the file and start editing. Each mode shows it’s name at the bottom left of the status bar in the program. Vim has four modes: Normal, Insert, Visual, and Command. Vim is a terminal program, not a graphical system program. Vim will open in that terminal with that file loaded. If the file you want to edit is life.md, type in the Terminal window: vim life.md

mac vim config

You can open files in Vim like any command line editor.

mac vim config

In this tutorial, I will show you the basics of this text editor. Vim is a free and powerful text editor that comes with your Mac.

Mac vim config